Our Bodies

Mobility Alliance

Alliance coordinator

Directors are responsible for the management of projects, initiatives, and activities. They may exercise all the powers given to them by the Executive Board for the purposes for which they were conferred. Directors focus to align values and standards in their respective Alliance, bringing forth concepts and practices that enhance their Advocates’ ability for expansion and business opportunities, as well as working directly with EUTECH Partners to ensure effective and quality cooperation.

Muhammad Ahad Zaka

Mobility Alliance Coordinator
EU Tech Chamber (EUTECH)

Board Members

Bernd Mattner

Chair Mobility Alliance | CEO & Founder Fry Bern GmbH

John Tidmarsh

Board Member Mobility Alliance | Founder & CEO VAI Capital

Sofia Cartó

Founder / Managing Partner | Loyal Ecosystem

Strategic Alliance Partners

Strategic Partners are organizations with similar objectives and directions that work in parallel with the EU Tech Chamber to achieve our goals and believe in our vision, Technology Obliges!

International alliances

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